Do the zippers scratch?

No they don't scratch. Since Triple Z only works with high-end luxury zippers, they are very lightweight and soft on the skin.

Will the necklace catch and pull on my hair?

No it won't. The zipper teeth are spread out enough for the space between them to not pose a threat of your hair getting caught. However you must be careful to move your hair out of the way when zipping the necklace up!

Do your bracelets tarnish?

If you follow the proper care instructions, they will not tarnish. 

Are your products hypo-allergenic?

Because people's metal allergies vary so much, we cannot guarantee that they are 100% hypoallergenic. The plated zipper teeth are nickel-free, the clasps are made of a nickel-free base metal with nickel-free plating. We paint a thick layer of clear-coat hypoallergenic enamel on all the small clasps to prevent them from tarnishing and to avoid allergic reactions. We have sold many pieces to people who said their skin would react and then checked back in with us saying that they were fine! If you are allergic to a lot of metals we would suggest you buy the thick toothed multi-coloured zippers. The thick toothed zippers have stainless steel clasps. Stainless steel is known for its' hypo-allergenic properties.